Sometimes the best simple recipes come out of combining two already delicious things - in this case, the frico, a Friulian cheese crisp, and a fried egg. It's super easy, can be made with things you probably already have in your fridge, and is kind of a brunch game-changer. Buon appetito!
Heres's what you'll need:
Butter - about 1/2 TBS. I use salted because I like salt.
Parmesan - about 2 TBS, grated. (Use your instincts on the amount and get a nice thin layer of cheese - you want it to crisp up evenly. You can also probably use any hard grating cheese, like an aged pecorino.)
Salt + pepper.
A cast iron or nonstick pan.
Heat up the pan, put the butter into it(it should sizzle and melt right away), then sprinkle the cheese over it in an even layer.

After the cheese, immediately crack an egg (or more eggs, depending on the size of your pan and number of mouths - maybe try one at a time first?) over the melty cheese-butter.

Salt and pepper it. Put the lid on and cook to your desired doneness. I'm a sunny-side-up gal, myself. Admire the crispy edges!
Slide it out of the pan with a spatula, and serve with whatever you like - in this case, some roasted summer vegetables and prosciutto.

Can you imagine this on a Caesar salad?